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[Request] More than 1 main pawn


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I am the first one to request this mod... So I think most players think this is kind of sad thing that you can not have more than 1 main pawn. One main pawn and other 2 have to be rented.

If there is a good moder that can make this mod, please do so. Everyone would appreciate it. Thank you :)

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At the same time it would be a nice idea to atleast make 1 more pawn, it would take away the purpose to rent other players pawns, teach them stuff and go on adventures to get them more RC.

That would basically eliminate the online feature.

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It would be kind of nice to see a mod like this, except (as mentioned by lilmuppen) it would basically eliminate the online function so in my opinion if a mod comes out where the "support" pawns are able to be created and leveled with the chars, the mod shouldn't allow it to be online... not to mention it would take forever to sync to the servers after resting in an inn....

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I'd like to just be able to open the character customization menu for the pawns I've rented. If (while I have them rented) I could make them look however I want, I'd be happy. And just let them return to their creator as their creator made them look.

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My internet is off sometimes so I have to go with vanilla pawns. Those made by other players have good stats and skills but I often dislike the looks plus game isn't eternal, servers will die out one day and having an option to create the rest of pawns is somewhat neccessary, because offline ones are awfull in every possible way...

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