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What do you think differentiates New York City from


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I have often wondered what people thought of this, especially non-NYCers.


Off the top of my head, the easy ones are: 1. most expensive city in the US, 2. highest population 3. most culturally diverse


I am curious to know other people's opinions.

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Nothing, it is part of the USA. I don't think it's that different from any other major city in the US or even in the world when it comes down to it. I could list the thing I like and don't like and almost everything I listed would apply to every major city in the USA.


EDIT: I will add that New York in many ways represents the USA more than any other city, is a symbol of it so to speak so I guess that would be thing that stands out the most.

Edited by csgators
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Nothing, it is part of the USA. I don't think it's that different from any other major city in the US or even in the world when it comes down to it. I could list the thing I like and don't like and almost everything I listed would apply to every major city in the USA.


EDIT: I will add that New York in many ways represents the USA more than any other city, is a symbol of it so to speak so I guess that would be thing that stands out the most.



So NYC is no different to say, Indianapolis or Atlanta?

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New York City is just a big city...


Every city has its differences.


I honestly don't think New York City is going to be around in 50 years.


Its build on a island that has a fair chance of getting hit by a large tsunami, and it is one of the top locations for a terrorist attack.

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Nothing, it is part of the USA. I don't think it's that different from any other major city in the US or even in the world when it comes down to it. I could list the thing I like and don't like and almost everything I listed would apply to every major city in the USA.


EDIT: I will add that New York in many ways represents the USA more than any other city, is a symbol of it so to speak so I guess that would be thing that stands out the most.



So NYC is no different to say, Indianapolis or Atlanta?


I wouldn't say no different but I don't think my life would extremely different living in Boston or Chicago than it would be in New York.

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Nothing, it is part of the USA. I don't think it's that different from any other major city in the US or even in the world when it comes down to it. I could list the thing I like and don't like and almost everything I listed would apply to every major city in the USA.


EDIT: I will add that New York in many ways represents the USA more than any other city, is a symbol of it so to speak so I guess that would be thing that stands out the most.



So NYC is no different to say, Indianapolis or Atlanta?


More likely terrorism than a Tsunami; the North East does not sit on any major tektonic plates for an undersea earthquake to happen.

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'More likely terrorism than a Tsunami; the North East does not sit on any major tektonic plates for an undersea earthquake to happen. '


Look at a geology map, think you will find one offshore of NYC....then again if the La Palma slides that mountain into the sea I think I would prefer to be inland of NYC.

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'More likely terrorism than a Tsunami; the North East does not sit on any major tektonic plates for an undersea earthquake to happen. '


Look at a geology map, think you will find one offshore of NYC....then again if the La Palma slides that mountain into the sea I think I would prefer to be inland of NYC.


I should have qualified that with unstable.

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To a non US native, the differences may not be noticeable. But to someone who has lived most of their life in another part of the US they will be large. As for Atlanta, half the population seems to be refugees from NYC bent on turning it into the very city they are trying to get away from. :tongue:


Even upstate New York is very different from NYC.


How many Non US natives even know that New York City is not even the capitol of New York State, (How many US natives don't know that either?) :rolleyes:


BTW, the Capitol of New York State is Albany. About 150 miles (240 Km) away


Obvious differences (From A US southerner) Weather, traffic (Manhattan seems to be one big parking lot) , bridges & tunnels everywhere, Subway (most US cities do not have a subway) Everyone always seems to be in a hurry, As for being less polite, I have never encounterd that in my visits, I found most NYC dwellers to be as friendly and helpful as the residents of most US cities (when you could get their attention) :happy:

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I was born and raised in New York City, the borough of Manhattan to be precise. However, I have lived all over the U.S. and travelled in many countries.


In my opinion, NYC is unlike any other place for a variety of reasons, some good , some not so good. Again, this is my opinion, but one based on at least a lot of experience with New York.


Nowhere is the ethnic and cultural diversity so readily available in such close quarters. One who is interested can achieve hands on learning about the customs and religions, the clothing and food; the languages and music of the largest group of multi cultured people just by walking down the street.


There is probably more pure culture available to anyone at any price on this small island than anywhere else in the U.S. From theather (Broadway, off Broadway and off off Broadway) to the Symphony to the ballet to the clubs down in The Village or on the upper West Side. That does not even count the street artists, some of whom are among the best in the world.


One can sample foods from more nations in the smallest radius of anywhere I have ever been. You can buy the best "dirty water" hot dog or the finest gourmet meal within minutes of each other.


One can go from the richest most glamorous environment to the poorest slums by walking no more than 10 minutes. This can happen without anyone even noticing the difference, by the way.


New York also probably has a larger share of homeless people wandering the streets than most of the rest of the USA. Why? It is not the biggest city. Did the city make them homeless, drive them crazy, kick them out of their homes or mental hospitals. All of the above and none of the above. It is just the way it is...


The wild and whacky rub elbows with the straight-laced and conservative, and "it's all good". Everyone's cool with that. No odd looks. This is New York. And it is why New Yorkers love it.


Each borough has it's own distinct rhythm, and all New Yorkers immediately recognize one another by their accents; whereas most non-New Yorkers think "we all sound alike".


I'm leaving out tons of information, but I've given you a brief summation of what I think differentiates New York City from other cities, having lived there for a large part of my life. Everyone should visit at least once.




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