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Function to know NPC's faction?


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Hi! There is a function/form to know the faction of one reference?


I want to use "sendassaultalarm" to make the first npc near (getfirstref) attack to me, but i need a faction parameter. Thanks!

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I'm not aware of one. The victim could potentially be in a large number of factions, so even if a function like that existed it would have to return a list of factions. This is a klunky workaround, but you could use GetInFaction in a script with an if and as many elseifs as you need to cover victim's likely factions.

if victimREF.GetInFaction faction1
 sendassaultalarm victimREF faction1
elseif victimREF.GetInFaction faction2
 sendassaultalarm victimREF faction2
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That sounds very good... I'll try that. Thank you very much! :)
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  On 1/31/2016 at 3:16 PM, AbbaddoN33 said:

Thanks! But i'm playing fallout 3 (fose) :/

Unfortunately FOSE hasn't gotten any updates for several years, and doesn't support arrays.
The impression I get from the wiki is that you don't need to know the faction of the NPC. Just the actor REF. Have you tried testing that?
SendAssaultAlarm ActoREF
The player will have a relationship to the actor's faction (neutral/friend/ally - though this might not matter anyway), but if the faction 'tracks crime', then other NPC's in the same faction should react accordingly to the major crime of assault.
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