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Crimson Elite Armor


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Can someone put the Crimson Elite Armor from RAGE into Fallout: New Vegas. It's a really bad ass set.


Most requests don't get filled, but I think you have a better chance if you do as much of the footwork as you can. Here is a pic of the crimson armor progression off the rage wiki;








A completely new and original model is above my paygrade, but I do see components that are similar to other existing FONV outfits (or parts off). I suspect an armor mashup could be made taht is a close facsimile crimson elite armors. I'd suggest you go through the armors/outfits on the vault wiki page and see what you think would fit the crimson armors. It will show your serious about putting a little effort into the project, give an overview of the feasibility and shave off some of the workload for a potential modder that takes on your request.

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