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Are there any good quest tutorials out there?


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I'll just be blunt; I want to try to figure out how to make a quest in Skyrim.


The only thing that I ask is this; I want the quest to start automatically when the game starts up. In short, when you first install the mod, then start the game up, the quest starts up on its own.


Does anyone know any tutorials out there for quest making, and does anyone know how to make a quest that will automatically start when the game starts up?

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I would highly recommend running through the entire CK wiki set of tutorials, not just the quest part (although that is the part that interests you most, there is a wealth of good info there)



After digesting that I mostly messed around with the CK and figured out how the vanilla game quests stuck together.

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I would highly recommend running through the entire CK wiki set of tutorials, not just the quest part (although that is the part that interests you most, there is a wealth of good info there)



After digesting that I mostly messed around with the CK and figured out how the vanilla game quests stuck together.

Agreed. Everyone starts there. Once you've tried your hand at that, I would also recommend this chap : https://youtu.be/Qfcet5hf5bs

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