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Sunshine Tidings CTD When removing objects?


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So Fallout 4, LOVE it. As of this post I have 144 hours in the game alone so far. I really like the new systems like Weapon modification and am in love with the new Power Armor, but like any Bethesda game I've played it's not without a few bugs. Nothing major, one time Sturges poped mysteriously onto a Sanctuary Hills roof and refused to leave for several quick travels. Strong fell off the Vertibird leaving the Red Glare quest and showed back up laying flat on the ground in a "planking" style no-animation pose and couldn't move. (But would still talk, it was hilarious, I recorded it)


Anyway, the one that has been a *major* pain in my hind quarters materialised over time at Sunshine Tidings Co-op, which despite the adversity I'm still trying to make my primary settlement for keeping my companions and stuff, power armor, ect in.


After fleshing it out for a bit the last thing I remember doing weird was hitting the switch on a small switched power broadcaster twice too close to each other and it wouldn't switch anymore (just made a HUD click sound when I'd "activate" it.


Oh well, it just powers the lights in the house, no big deal. Well eventually I'm traveling the wastes and hear my settlement's come under attack. I show up, kill the raiders. *CTD* Repeat that. *CTD* Every time I get too close to Sunshine Tidings.


So I decide "screw this" for now and go do something else while I put my stuff in Sanctuary Hills. I come back later to find I can go back into my hippie robot farm camp village once again so I'm overjoyed that the bug has worked itself off.


Only later do I now find the legendary glitch has mutated. Now...Whenever I try to scrap the generator or wire or any lights connected to it or the switch-pylon it CTDs. Trying to scrap certain other things has the same effect, just some but not all. IE: A daisy rug once placed CTDs if you try to scrap it, a table in one of the houses, a weapons workbench I placed, ect.


As well, placing certain objects results in an insta-crash, but this is almost exclusive to Generators of any kind (including mod ones) and electrical objects such as light bulbs or TVs.


I've tried a wide variety of things hoping to fix it, "disable" in the console on the generator/pylon/wire in question. Nope. Disable all mods, nope.


Now I will point out that I've lost several save files because my PC likes to shut off, I mean completely black out, every now and then. I believe it to be a heat management problem, as it's done it so far exclusively in F4 and Left 4 Dead 2. I've had it corrupt saves to the point of not loading because it did that while autosave was going.


Weirdest part is, the same objects and generators can be built and deleted with no problem in other settlements, and loading an earlier save file (almost fresh out of the vault) renders Sunshine Tidings buildable in again generator-wise. So it's not a mod conflict or game cache problem.


My question is... Is there any way to reset the cell or find out the exact cause of the crashes? Or am I just going to have to resort to using "disable" to get rid of objects in the co-op on this save from now on?

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  • 1 month later...

Have a similar problem after I had solved many problems as Fallout4 after 384 hours my savegames killed [have 100 backups+ and not one works) . :sick:

a savegame editor various settlements rebooted
, Steam repair and the new edit savegame ran again under Vanilla settings.
So i Save and reactivate my mods... to much back and forth but
but everything was too unstable

and finally
with F04edit ssex- homemaker- snb- Sk including the patches patched by my self :ninja:

so far everything is running perfect but when I want to recycle a "self-built object" comes CTD .Everything others like trees, scrap etz. can I scrapped without problems. :confused:

Now Since 2 weeks I fight for my game, my self metropolises I am willing to sacrifice indeed there but the reboot has not eliminated all and the illegal construction is part before the settlements now looks like abstract art.
now game repair again and hope it works with my self- mod- patch ....
this bullsh** drive me crazy

am grateful about any help.

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