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Sniping and recoil...


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Anyone out there who can fiddle with the ranges of this game?..there´s no point in building a good sniper-rifle and then have to,litterally,creep up the pants of the target to actually do any damage..it´s just dumb..i built a decent rifle,good scope and the longest range possible (215) and..tadahh i have to get so close to the mark that..one shot and i have Mutant-hounds and all kinds of melee happening..not bloody realistic!...and the recoil?? what happened in the programmers minds there?? I know rifles,guns,Pistol,yeah wepons in general..and when i shoot a Hunting rifle ingame I´m suddenly five years old and can´t hold a pellet-gun straight? please people,you gotta admit,thats not in any way right..anyone who has actually shot highpowered rifles know that you barrel doesn´t go Apeshit,journey to the moon on you..so..anyone who can mod this??``..i can´t, i know as much about computers as monkey knows about Shakespeare..

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