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i need help with getting some mods to work


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like i got the new soul edge mod and it shows up purple and stuff whats that about? and like i got exnems wearable underwear mod cant get it to work it wont show up it like goes every witch way when put on and i need help on other mods to
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Not sure from your description what the problem is with the underwear. Try to be really specific when describing a problem. If you are then its more likely you'll get some useful help.

If mods don't show up at all its most often that they either haven't been installed correctly, (it sounds obvious but double check all files are in the correct place) or that they've been created using the 1.2 construction set (which most mods are now) and you are not patched to 1.2 or higher. If you aren't that mod just won't show. Also, it could be being affected by another mod so changing its place in the load order should be tested using Timeslip's Mod Manager. http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=2097

Try first behind the Oblivion.esm and then last.

Block purple is a sign that textures are missing so if that is the case again check that the texture files are placed in the correct folder.


As for the new Soul Edge mod however; are they just completely purple or is it just like a purple sheen?

Remember they're enchanted with soul capture so that will make them glow purple. Could be that's all thats happening there. There are 'no enchantment glow' mods out there which might take care of that or if it really bothers you you could disable their enchantments using the construction set.



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well how to put it in terms is like yea 3D purple sheen why i have no idea the soul edge were talking about yes i know there enchanted thats not it they don't glow there just #d rendered to purple sheen its ugly >.< and also well the other thing with the underwear mod this is the buyable ones not the ones that are stuck on ur player well to tell u the truth the textures when bought and put on go like in a frenzy like every witch way but when i drop them on the ground there fine noting wrong and u gotta have ur mods in order o.O i never knew that did anything or had anything to do with anything i don't know might be a mod conflict who knows -shrugs- sorry if im not clear enough im not the best grammer student of the world and well im not relly sure how to explan them any better then what ive said eh colored pieces of pointy like textures going every witch way when put on
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