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No Mods,no nothing crash on start


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ok I figured Id give NV the love of a redheaded step child. I figured what the heck ill try it vanilla.i deleted everything associated with FNV(including anything in the reg that was missed) and random files etc. Got it downloaded and installed and I was really happy thinking I could play. So I fire her up,start it the Vanilla way(no FOMM or NVSE) and I cant even make it to the first slide without insta CTD i even turned all mysettings to as low as I can and still nothing. What am I doing wrong here?
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Not every computer can play it many laptops, even new ones don't have the graphics capability.


Using the computer you plan to play the game on

Go here to see if your computer can run the game



You will find the various game we support

Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fallout3 PC

Dragon Age listed as Dragon age

Fallout New Vegas as Fallout: New Vegas

Morrowind is not listed, However if you can run Oblivion at all it should run well on your system.


Note: TES V - Skyrim is not listed yet as no one knows what the final requirements will be yet.

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Well the thing is bben,im running a high end system,and it runs FO3 flawlessly,I can run Dirt 2 maxed out with out any hiccups but FNV just doesnt run. And it seems like its a common problem that Bethseda doesnt really answer to.

Id post the dxdiag but i kinda dont wanna eye rape anyone with that info.

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It sounds like you had a pile of mods previously and uninstalled them without the benefit of a mod manager ... there are remnants left over such as custom files and ini changes.


Whenever I make an "undo" type of change to my NV Data folder I use the following procedure to restore game settings.



1. First I restore INI files to vanilla versions.



1(a). To restore vanilla Fallout_default.ini you can use this procedure:


-- In this folder: $(PROGRAM FILES)/Steam/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/

-- Rename "Fallout_default.ini" to "Fallout_default.ini - mysave" (rename to remove original, don't just copy)

-- Restore vanilla Fallout_default.ini by running the following:


Steam -> Fallout: New Vegas (RIGHT CLICK) -> Properties -> Local Files -> Verify Integrity Of Game Cache ... // Defrag Cache Files


(IMPORTANT: Run the Verify even if you restored your own backup INI because it fixes other issues too.)



1(b). To restore vanilla Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini you can use this procedure:


-- In this folder: $(HOME)/Documents/My Games/FalloutNV/

-- Rename / make "mysave" copies of Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini (rename to remove originals, don't just copy)

-- Steam -> Fallout: New Vegas (RUN GAME)


You'll get promoted about restoring your settings, wait for the video settings to pop up. Save and exit. You'll see the vanilla Fallout and FalloutPrefs INI files restored.


You could try running the game at this stage and make a new game. I find loading a game is not a good idea the very first time you run, it seems more stable on your very first startup if you create a new game. But then later, loading old saves seems to work OK.



2. The final thing I do is customize my INI files.


I review a Notepad document I keep that lists all the INI changes I've personally made and why I made each one. (It has notes about what mod each change is for and why.) I then edit the INI files and set back to my own values based on Data folder configuration I want. You need to remove the Read Only flag from INI files you want to personally modify by right-clicking the INI and selecting Properties. If Read-Only is checked, uncheck it.


If the data folder changes are straightforward I have backup copies of my own INI files that I just restore, rather than edit. It just depends on what all I'm changing.


If you don't keep notes like I do you could simply compare your "mysave" versions to the restored defaults. You'll probably remember if you changed entires yourself and have a vague idea of what they were, and there are Diff tools that will compare the contents of files and folders and report differences for you, if you are averse to hand-checking them.




Hope that helps some.


p.s. Does anyone else wish all modifiable game configuration files were stored in the data folder so you could keep them associated with all your custom plugins?

Edited by drakeelvin
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I didnt leave a single thing in that folder. I went thru it before I uninstalled it and weeded out every FNV file nad deleted it. And im completly amazed at how nothing seems to make it work. I literally went through my steam folder and deleted anything with FNV on it.then I redownloaded it and let Steam do its "magic"
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It is possible that Steam may have done something stupid during the download. I've had the same issue when I loaded Steam after a bad mod. Try another host and see if that works?
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It sounds like the problem may be with the cache files: they are not stored in Data, Steam keeps them elsewhere and they "remember" a lot of old junk even after you delete everything from Data, thats why its important to fix them when you change Data.


Did you try resetting your INI files and repairing your Cache files? Could not tell from your post if you tried this. I am pretty sure reinstalling the game won't fix the cache files, they are part of Steam.

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Where do I find the Cache files? cause im gonna find em and clear them out and re download if its the sutpid cache files.


Why steam do you have to make my gaming experience so wonderful and awful at the same time?? :(


EDIT yeah i deleted the .ini files too and reset those but still nothing

Edited by Azrael120782
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