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Gravity Engine is broken???


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Please help me figure out what's going on... the gravity seems to be broken in my game. I went through the stairs in cloud ruler temple as if tcl was off and after that I can't reactivate gravity. My tcl is actually on and the character wont go back on the ground... I've tried turning it on and off again and it wont work. I even reloaded a save and it still didn't work... I don't know what's going on and there doesn't seem to be any topics about this kind of bug.
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Every once in a great while, you will fall through a "crack" in the world, which is what it sounds like originally happened here. Under normal circumstances, you should keep falling until you land "somewhere" near by. (If your in an "outdoor" cell, "nearby" can be miles away!) Sometimes, you land "between worldspaces" and then you have to TCL your way out. To do this TCL, pick a direction, and walk until things look normal. If that doesn't happen within a couple seconds, you picked the wrong direction. Also, make sure your high enough off the ground to not get stuck there. Then TCL again, and save. Then, you should be good for another couple hundred hours.
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