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"view valid NPCs for this voice type",


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To see what npc's (and other things eg: Lists, Talking Activators etc) use a voice type in CK...


Object Window -> Character -> Voice Type -> Select the Voice type, right click -> Use Info


In the window that opens there will be a list of things that use the voice type.

Double click anything in the list and it will open up the edit window for that item.

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The "view valid NPCs for this voice type" can be very misleading. Even though no NPCs show up when click to view the list, that doesn't mean it won't be used in-game.


Any custom NPCs you've added will usually not appear in the list of "valid NPCs" when you click to view the list.


As long as you've got the conditions setup correctly, the line should be used in-game at the appropriate time.

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The voice type is created and set to the character. Even with that. The character do not say in game wath he supost to say randomly. He is supost to say "You need a Ship?" Wath did I meybe done wrong? His line is located in misc section of the quest tab.
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So the line "You need a ship?" is standard greeting? Meaning, the NPC will speak this line when the player walks by him/her or if the player talks to him/her.


If so, the misc tab is the correct tab, you just need to be sure that it's under the Hello topic.


If it's under the Hello topic and the NPC is still not speaking the line, make sure you have either generated a SEQ file (very simple to do in TES5Edit), or made a new save with the mod installed and then reloaded that save. If that doesn't work, you should probably go back over your conditions again to make sure you haven't accidentally messed up any of them.


Generating a SEQ file or saving and reloading is required to get new dialogue to appear in game. If you haven't done either of those yet try doing one of them and see if that fixes the issue. If it doesn't work, again, you've most likely made a mistake with the dialogue conditions (which is very easy to do).

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