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Companion questions


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I've finally decided to dive into the realm of companions, and set about to build a party. I wanted a mage, an archer, and a healer (I'll be playing a warrior). I've got Neeshka (archer) and Saerileth (mage). I also have Vilja, but I found out she can't be a healer until later, and I'd rather replace one of the others than her.

So, any suggestions for a healer?

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I seem to recall that Vilja can heal. She's also a remarkable companion, with tons of character.


Yep, I've got her, as I mentioned. She's the only one of the three I'm unwilling to part with. She can't be a healer until later in her quest-line, though.

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Neeshka will heal you right from start, and she and Vilja are approx equally good as marksmen. So, why not let Vilja be the archer and Neeshka the healer until Vilja offers to heal you (which shouldn't take that many game days)?
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