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Noob has Wrye question, help please :)


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Hi all,

I used to play Oblivion, back in the day, and used Wrye Bash to organize my mods and whatnot. I was never an advanced user.


Now I'm playing Skyrim and am using Wrye, as well (I got the 305 version, standalone). Things have changed a bit, too, but I didn't increase my understanding of Wrye too much. The issue is, I'm trying to remove the flickering of lights in the game, which is a feature that is apparently now included somewhere in Wrye's advanced tweaking. But I can't find this tweaking section. I tried reading the Readme and the advanced Readme, but I can't find my way around in Wrye either.


The General Readme says,


Applying Tweaks

The Bashed Patch lets you independently tweak a large number of game settings. Each tweak has a description that is visible when you select it. Some tweaks have several possible values, with the current value given in [square brackets] in the tweak name. Right-clicking these tweaks will display a menu from which you can selected a different value. The tweaks are catagorised into different sections.

The Advanced Readme says,


Tweak Options In Detail

Each Tweak... section has a table below that details the options found within it.


No Light Flicker : Turns off flickering effects for lights. May help on machines with low end graphic cards.


And that's what I'm after. If I understand things right, the tweaks should appear when I build the bashed patch. But when I do, I only get a window with a list on the left that says:


Alias Mod Names (unchecked)

Merge patches

Import Names

Import Stats
Tweak Settings

Leveled Lists


When I select the TWEAK SETTINGS option, the menu on the right with the available tweak options has nothing about lighting. There are only 22 options, starting with ''actor strength encumbrance multiplier'' and ending with ''timescale''... I am confused.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? How do I access this golden pot of tweak options? After opening Wrye Bash, what should I do?

Please, help me Obi Wan Kenobi... you're my only hope.


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