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Summoning Mods Not Working


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First off, sorry if this is in the wrong forum but by now I'm convinced that it's not conflicts with other mods causing this. The first summon mod I tried was the White Tiger spell from Midas Spells. Once I cast the spell my conjuration and mana went away as per usual but the white tiger never showed up. I tried over and over and unchecked every other mod I have but still nothing. (I even tried redownloading it.)


Since I was convinced that the mod just seemed to hate me, I got the Akatosh Mount. Once again, I tried to summon up a drake but nothing appeared at all.


I'm not sure what in the world is going on here with these summoning mods but they just won't work. I think Oblivion itself may be the problem, all the default spells like Summon Scamp all work perfectly fine. I was wondering if any of you could help me at all with this problem. Thank you! :)

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