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Problem Merging Mods - Even just Official Patch


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So I'm new to using mods in DAI.


- My DAI Mod Manger Version is .59Alpha

- My DAI is updated to the most recent patch with Origin.

- Windows 10 OS (if that matters)

Trying to merge mods I always get stuck on the language files.


[1/26/2016 1:41 PM] [1] Merging win32/loctext/en/textpatch

There is no error after this, it just hangs and stays there forever. I have literally let it sit for hours and it does nothing.
Things I have tried...
- Verifying my game
- Deleting all text files and re-acquiring them from Origin.
- Deleting and re-downloading the entire game.
- Deleting and re-downloading the Patch Folder
- Merging just the official patch with no other mods.
- Re-downloading DAIMM
- Running DAIMM as admin.
No matter what I do I always get stuck at merging this file. I have seen a few other people with this issue and the solution offered (that worked for at least one) was to re-download the text files. I have done this multiple times and it never works.

Anyone have any guidance on this issue?
Edited by kglethean
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