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I think my arrow is too long for FO4


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Idk how the game is handling my added meshes to a game asset like this:




Because I uv unwrapped it, added the additional UVs to spaces between the game asset, collapsed it to the mesh and exported the nif...I made sure I had all the textures, material file and an alpha property, correct in the nif in nifskope...alpha property cause ppl got on me for making my bullet hole a bullet dent, so I made it a hole...and I got this:




Even though it DID display properly in NifSkope. I blame Jon?


I thought maybe I screwed up the bones, so I imported a reference helmet, copied over the bones and it still said at least one vertex is not weight painted...I went over the arrow with the weight paint brush, and the blue and green dot lathered it up pretty good, but it didn't look like it did anything...


Is the arrow too long for Outfit Studio? Can I uv unwrap and collapse on the mesh and the nif isn't totally f'd?


wtf happened? I was hoping this could work, cause I wanted to add a few arrows in Ghouls in very unexpected places and have them run around like nuts, but if I can't cover the vertices on a helmet, I doubt I can on a Ghoul...

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Oh crap, no, but then again, I thought maybe OD only really does bodies. I really don't know, but I did this in 3ds max, cause I'm learning more about boning and skinning, and the only problem now is I used a more than simple arrow shape from a good modeller so the uv unwrap was a pain in the butt so I forgot to texture it when I looked at it in game and it was purple. I think I will use simple geometry with an arrow I model and have a simple un wrap and texturing.


I'm also unsure if Nifskope displays the bones correctly, or if there are parameters on the nubs being used as bones that I don't see or know about in 3ds max yet.





I don't understand how the head and neck bone skins interact really for this asset.

Edited by jeffglobal
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Weight painting in OutfitStudio is frustrating to say the least. I find exporting the mesh to .obj then deleting the mesh and last importing the .obj helps. Then add your textures and copy bone weights. Attempt to save the .nif so it creates the mask showing the unweighted verts. Clear the mask and paint the verts attempt save, clear mask paint the same or different verts, repeat 2 or 3 times before it properly saves. That only applies to mesh that's not close to the base mesh, Outfit Studio has no setting for weight all verts and it blends vert weighting after you painted.


For something like that arrow or a backpack I would max out the brush settings and alt click to erase weights for every bone except the one you want then once all have been gone through regardless if you saw any weighting paint to the bone you want. You may still need to repeat a couple times but eventually it will save without the warning message.

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Jet, ty for explaining this is a problem...oh boy. I think with Mike Moore's video, I can fudge it with a helmet, cause I never tried to adjust the sphere inside nifskope before. I tried to use the knuckles and the boxing gloves to get into game a kinda punching vagina, but because those assets didn't have a sphere to modify, it had a "point" bone, or a nub in 3ds max. AND if Mike was curious, NO it did not cast a shadow either. It did show up in the pipboy though:




For anyone who's angry at me, that I made a punch vagina, pls understand, for motivation I do ridiculous things to distract on how awful this process is...no ppl or private parts were hurt during the making of my mod.


I see nothing wrong with my nif construction:




Interestingly, the way Mike did his mod to get it in game will not work with a bone that's just the nub. Idk y. I cannot modify the bounding sphere and with or without it, the new weapon does not show up.


[Edit] I think I should be able to do this now...just too many projects...

Edited by jeffglobal
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