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Republic of Dave


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Have any of you ever wished to rule The Republic of Dave? Well, I have. So since I can't mod things, I hoped some of you modders might could do a mod that lets the Lone Wanderer become President in the Republic of Dave.

First of course, you have to become a citizen of the Republic. It could be the Enclave, bugs, Yao Guais or Deathclaws that attacked the Republic, and then the Lone Wanderer kills them and then Dave lets the Wanderer to become a citizen.


Then you could participate in the election. You'd have to talk to people and persuade them to vote for you, bribe them or even cheat.


Then if you win you are the new leader of the Republic. You may change the name of the republic, make it a monarc (king, queen and such) and such things. You can ban people from the republic, go to for example Megaton and get people like Moira, Jericho and any other residents of Megaton to move to your republic. Wastelanders who wish to become citizens or just visit the republic shows up at the gate from time to time.


Make people join your army, make an outfit for them to wear in combat, and uniforms they can wear when they are not in training or combat.

Build houses, shops, resturants, bars etc etc. Expand the borders and make the republic bigger.


Things like this, would be awesome. Maybe not all of it would be possible to make, at least to become leader, change the name and have your own army would have been pretty cool :)

Haha, or you could just bust into the republic with an army or whatever and just take the country and make it a dictatorship :)

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Take a look at Real Time Settler - RTS; might be something you would like. I haven't actually used it (yet), but from what I understand, you could basically do what you are asking with it.


Specifically dealing with the Republic of Dave... not sure. That would probably be something made, using RTS, but scripted specifically for the RoD.


If I didn't help at all, then I apologize.

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