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I have ran the following mods and had to play with them like switches on and off to get them to work. Some are working other makes the game stuck on loading screen. If anyone uses the mods i have please assist if i need a specific order and how to do that. Thank you for taking your time to read this and for your assistance.

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It becomes a bit difficult to see your mods posted like that, perhaps it would be better if you posted them as a list. Of text.
Do you use LOOT? LOOT helps you sort the loading order.
Also, judging from your download and install dates, you seem to be adding a lot of mods at once. This is no good. Mods are better added one by one, playing the game for a while between each mod to tell if it causes problems. (Texture and mesh replacers are the least dangerous ones and its ok if you add a bunch of those together, but still...)

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