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Dying Light-Style Ferals?


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Feral ghouls in Fallout 4 are really well done. Their appearance, animations, the way they can just crawl out from under vehicles... But I think they need some more variation. So I got to thinking some more and decided that having another type of feral ghoul, which we might call "Hollow Ghouls" or something, that move much more slowly and gather in packs of three or four in shady places all over Boston. We could say they're Ghouls who's brains have almost completely rotted away - more so than your typical feral.


This sort of gameplay element could have players constantly on-edge when outside any of the settlements. If you pay attention, they'd be little more than fodder, like radroaches, but if you don't you could get mauled while you try to loot a house.

As for actually making this mod, I realize it wouldn't be very practical until after the CK is released. Even then, it might be a bit before someone can tackle the animations. We might be able to get away with using very few custom scripts, if any at all. The most important part of this, however, is the specific placement of these "Hollow Ghous", which isn't possible to do effectively until the CK is released.


Let me know what you think. Heck, if no one picks it up even I might try my hand at it when I have the time.

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I'm a big fan of the Dying Light zombies as well, but The Last of Us style zombies could be cool too (More the clickers than the runners). A mod that made dying light style zombies with the occasional clicker thrown in would be awesome. It would also be nice if the mod added in some more ghouls. (I feel like there is only 1-3 small groups of 5-7 per CITY!)

Edited by CMDShepardN7
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