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3DSMax Nif export settings


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When exporting an imported nif from 3dsmax some branches of the nif are lost. Say I test someones nif file by importing it into 3dsmax, change 1 vertice, and export. Many relevant branches are lost. Do modders who have successfully made custom weapons re-add this lost data or am I missing something in the settings. Thank you!


Btw I have done this successfully in previous games and have done research. I assume fallout 4 being new might have some kinks.


Image of difference: http://imgur.com/a/AQdHu

Edited by Jyggilag
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In short, copy edited branches to the original instead.


Pretty much this, the FO4 .nif plugin for 3DS max doesnt seem to be able to export anything besides the mesh really. You can either copy all the info back from the original, or usually its easier to switch the edited branch back into it.

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Then, I just copy all the bones and collision branches from the original nif, that should work?


Because, then, anything is possible really, given, if you can change 1% and fix it in Nifskope, you can change 99%...can you just copy the information from one piece of similar weapon to another? I tried that with a Frencesca Axe I made, idk if it worked in the guy's mod yet...


I'm talking about the BSX Flag (fk if I know what that is), the bhkCollision whatever, and the BSConnectPoint::Parents. I used a switchblade as a model and used all that stuff for the throwing axe.


Fool's errand or what? I see what the bhkCollision and BSConnectPoint thingies do, but the BSX Flag looks like a fudge to keep stuff together...

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Thanks! I suspected as much but can't figure out how to copy a branch from one instance of nifskope to another. Any advice?


Edit: Figured it out by copying and opening new file. Thanks for the help!

Edited by Jyggilag
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In short, copy edited branches to the original instead.




Pretty much this, the FO4 .nif plugin for 3DS max doesnt seem to be able to export anything besides the mesh really. You can either copy all the info back from the original, or usually its easier to switch the edited branch back into it.


usually its easier to switch the edited branch back into it. Man, I'm not the brightest peapod. Why I was going in the wrong direction, you got me...


I got my arrow thru my head though to show up in game.

Edited by jeffglobal
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