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Tutorial: Softening Leliana In Your Save Game (In HEX! It's Easy!)


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I was trying this technique with a save game just a minute before doing the quest for leliana:
I did the following steps: block shifted 7 times right
then, replaced the values:
for the following values:

then I shifted left 7 times again and put the editted save game in the save game folder.
When I loaded the game origins also noticed that the save game was changed.
The save was able to load so I suspect it wasnt corrupted either.
When I load the save, and go the the personal quest for Leliana ( where she finds that box) she still kills Natalie, even when I told her to stop, join the inquisition, used both ? and told leliana not to kill her.
Leliana however, still being murderous and kills off Natalie.Â
Any suggestions? :smile: (can upload my save games to my server if needed)

/**** edit ****/

I might have to recheck if the booleans are set correctly for the hex values that were edited


/*** edit 2 ****/


seems like the bool setting did the trick, worked great after, ty for the instructions:)

Edited by HarunoSakura
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But posting first to let you know that, if I am not wrong, having the conversation with Leliana in Haven but remaining silent results in CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A NOT being created.

At least, it didn't for me.



Update: Oh thank goodness! It worked!


I am having the same issues as this poster. I am unable to find CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A in my Save Game Plot Editor as well. And I am wary of attempting to follow the steps here since this fix is for those who have missed the event when I did not. I simply chose the wrong dialogue (or lack thereof) apparently. Would the steps in the OP work for me, despite the fact that I technically participated in the cutscene, but remained silent?


I have invested so much into this playthrough and I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT go jumping through the Hinterlands and its godforsaken fetch quests again just because Leliana wants to be difficult. I wanted her as Divine this time since I went with Cass before. Had no idea about her whole "softening" or "hardening" stuff.


I have not finished Leliana's personal quest yet, just the Haven cutscene and the one just after reaching Skyhold (where I said her men were not expendable). So would that have any bearing on my save game and/or the code for that plot flag not showing up?


Would appreciate help from anyone, honestly. I'm lost as hell. :psyduck:


TL;DR: The underlined bits.

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Looks like I've missed a few posts. I'm a bit busy, and I'll get to all soon. (Within the next day hopefully)


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! Take your time, of course. I'm avoiding Leliana's final confrontation in her personal quest in the meantime and doing other things. Those stupid shards will once again be mine!






For those of you who had the same questions as me and all that jazz, [see above (or here)] the steps on the opening post do work if you saw the scene but chose to stay silent, rather than tell a woman you just met how to run her secret and deadly spy network, like I did.


I went through her personal quest earlier where she was clearly hardened and a bit of a nutjob (a cute one, I mean, it's Leliana). After doing the steps on the front page, however, I went through the quest again and she was an enlightened young woman ready for that big ass Divine hat, y'all.


While I adore Cassandra, I instead wanted her to focus on rebuilding the Seekers for my canon world state (that can of worms needs her undivided attention if it's going to get done right, imo), so this fix was a godsend.


I hope everyone else gets it to work for their game, should the need arise (remember to tally those block shifts, people, I goofed the first time). And all my thanks and appreciation goes out to flairtorc and ricco19!

Edited by Solstitial
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hiya :3


So I've followed the guide to the T, and I replaced these:


with these:
I then changed their True/False statuses in the save editor, with the first 2 being true and the others false. I replaced the original save file with the modded one, but it's not working and Leliana is still stabbing Natalie even after I tell her she wasn't a total failure by getting her scouts back safely. I shifted blocks correctly, because the save still loads but Leliana still stabs. I have my save right before her final personal quest. I don't want Freddy Krueger as my Divine :sad:
Edit: I also haven't gone through the Haven scene, not that I stayed silent, I think.
Edited by ChineseHamster
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Greetings :)


I´m not sure if you are still repyling to this thread but I wanted to ask you if you would make a Youtube video of this tutorial?

I´ve had a difficult time trying to understand everything (since English is not my first language) and was often confused by your wording (I´m sorry :()

I just think that it would be easier to understand if you could show us on more than just pictures how it´s done ...

You don´t have to if it´s too much work, I´ll just have to figure something out ...

But thanks anyway for this :)

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Hiya :3


So I've followed the guide to the T, and I replaced these:


with these:
I then changed their True/False statuses in the save editor, with the first 2 being true and the others false. I replaced the original save file with the modded one, but it's not working and Leliana is still stabbing Natalie even after I tell her she wasn't a total failure by getting her scouts back safely. I shifted blocks correctly, because the save still loads but Leliana still stabs. I have my save right before her final personal quest. I don't want Freddy Krueger as my Divine :sad:
Edit: I also haven't gone through the Haven scene, not that I stayed silent, I think.


ATM the moment I don't really know what to tell you. What you might try is making sure that you set the True/False's correctly and didn't accidentally mix them up. And if that doesn't work, then try this on a save that comes before you have started the Leliana end quest. Most of my research when into before this even happens. I have no personally made it this far in that quest but I know that this will fix your save prior. As it has been a very long time since I wrote this, most of what I did went into looking what would happen if you missed the first even in the game, and assumed that you didn't screw up the second event, which unlike the first event, cannot be missed. I think I had someone confirm for me earlier that you can use this to fix a completely screwed up Leliana story-line. But if I can find the time I might look back for the proper plot flag for that and include that in the tutorial so that people who messed that up can fix it.


While I am mostly sure that my fix will work on any save, I am not 100% sure. So I might look into this in the future.



Greetings :smile:


I´m not sure if you are still repyling to this thread but I wanted to ask you if you would make a Youtube video of this tutorial?

I´ve had a difficult time trying to understand everything (since English is not my first language) and was often confused by your wording (I´m sorry :sad:)

I just think that it would be easier to understand if you could show us on more than just pictures how it´s done ...

You don´t have to if it´s too much work, I´ll just have to figure something out ...

But thanks anyway for this :smile:

I am still replying to this thread, just my current shift makes it difficult to remember to do so on a daily basis. I might make a video in the future. I would just need a save to work with and the time to do it.

Language barrier isn't much of a problem seeing as most of what I have to work with is a yes or no answer.

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Alright, umm


So I did everything as you said, but when I tried to save my save game with the DAISaveGameEditor it says that the save game could not be saved becaused it is being used by another process (probably meaning another programm). But Hex Workshop is full closed (according to the Task-Manager). What should I do?


Edit: Alright I figured it out. I just had to save the save game to another folder and then replace the old save game with the new.


But it still didn´t work, so I will use an older save game and see if that works


Edit 2: It worked and I am so happy right now! Thank you very much, you really saved me :D

Edited by TheAlphaWallYouHate
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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Okay, so I managed to get three of the four strings through, but every time I try to replace the fourth string, it claims that the string is not found.


I used:


FD01163BF71374DBC977FA355D801D7,BOOL,DAO/Class/Rogue? and CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A,BOOL,Leliana did not kill agent == TRUE

79CF236575D34940A7CF12865342012E,BOOL,DAO/Romance/Leliana? and DADF5B4FCEAAA749AC724875AFD601D6,BOOL,??? == TRUE

F12631D0508FE54ABA1EB6F3683A01E0,BOOL,DAO/Romance/Alistair? and 0E8105EDBBB9694DBC4A913ADE0301C5,BOOL,??? == FALSE


But everytime I've tried to replace the fourth string, the string isn't found. I've used Morrigan and Zevran, as well as some other strings that were all false, but nothing works.


I was an elven female mage, but I never finished the game/ got very far into it. What do I do?

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