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Bug at the end of "how little we know"


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I hope to find someone who can help me to solve an incredible bug of this really buggy quest.

I take these quests in this order: "wild card side bets" and "bye bye love". I've completed the second one and i've begun "how little we know". I've chosen Cachino's side, It's all gone well until the final meeting with big sal and the other guy. Everything i do (using eloquence to convince Cachino to shoot or convincing big sal of being betrayed or simply shooting) the result is always the same: after the shooting i'm stuck inside the meeting room and i can't talk to cachino to end the quest. I've also tried to follow the order of every step in the official guide, but nothing has worked.

EDIT: with another savegame i've tried to do this quest avoiding to begin bye bye love, but the problem persists.

p.s. I mean "stuck" with the quest, not only in the meeting room because nothing happens after i kill big sal and nero: quest and the marker on Cachino are always actives. If i try to talk to Cachino the only thing he said is: "it's time for the meeting and there's no time to talk").

p.p.s In a previous game I've already have a similar problem with Ranger Grant (quest "You'll know when it happens") but i've solved with with "kill" and "resurrect" + setstage commands. I wuold like to try on Cachino (even if i wouldn't know hot to use setstage), but now i'm in hardcore mode and i'm afraid to lose the achievement if i use them.

My load order:











YUP ITA - Gioco base + Tutti i DLC.esm



Advanced Recon Tech.esm


YUP ITA - Correzioni per PNG (Gioco base + Tutti i DLC).esp

Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp




Tag Skills Improved.esp

Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp

HTRP-Vendor Supply Refresh.esp

HTRP-Daily Vendor Restock.esp


Neck-id Slaves.esp

DK Caucasians.esp

HH - Removable Female Companion Outfits.esp


Mr Moneybags.esp



Bobbleheads - Not Hidden_v1.2.esp

Bobbleheads - Hidden_v1.2.esp

Bobbleheads - Cases.esp

Grinding Wheel.esp


Omegared99 - Enb Transparency Fix.esp

FP gun follows crosshairs.esp

Vurt's WFO.esp

Conelrad 640-1240.esp



Radio Free WAsteland.esp

Radio Free Christmas.esp

The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

Advanced Recon Tech.esp

Advanced Recon Gear.esp

Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp

Advanced Recon Armor.esp

Advanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp

Advanced Recon Armor-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp

Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.esp

Advanced Recon Desert Ranger Helmet.esp

NevadaSkies - Darker Nights.esp



NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp

Edited by Rodja79
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Just a guess, but try it from a "safe save" without "Nevada Skies". I only recently (like in December) started playing FNV, but after reading of several incompatibilities seemingly related to "Nevada Skies" I left it out of my LO.


Last night I completed "How Little We know" with no problems except a minor graphic glitch upon leaving and re-entering Gomorrah after the quest completed. I believe this was due to running out of memory after 4+ hours of play. (I convinced Cachino to take out the bosses on my cue, and then chose to stealth kill Nero from the doorway of the room before entering and sitting down. One on one, Cachino wins and Nero is not needed at really any point of the quest.)



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Thanks for the answer. I've tried (also your solution) but nothing changes. Now i can speak with Cachino without dialogue options.

I've forgotten one thing: after completing troike or clanden (the order isn't important), when i speak with cachino i've already the dialogue option to kill big sal and nero.

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This one has puzzled me so I've been thinking on it. You haven't mentioned what steps you went through to complete the quest other than siding with Cachino. Did you speak / deal with both Clanden and Troike?


You said you followed "the official guide", which I am assuming refers to the printed book. You might want to take a look at this online guide, which is the one I used. I like it because it covers known bugs and the quest stages in addition to "how-to" steps. Don't forget to check out the pages on Clanden and Troike themselves as well. If you missed getting a quest stage that might be what caused you to get stuck.



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I've attempted many times, i've followed both official guide and page you've linked. The only two differences i've read on the linked page is that i've lockpicked cachino's suite and that i've talked to Cachino after completing clanden/troike part (today i'll try to follow all the same steps of the page)

However here are all my steps:

  1. Taken the quest after completing "how little we know", taken the quest after "wild cards"
  2. Talked to bar girl in omerta's casino, talked to receptionist (used speech option)
  3. talked to cachino
  4. lockpicked cachino's suite, taken his journal
  5. Talked to Cachino (used Barter option)
  6. Attempted both first Clanden then Troike, first Troike then Clanden
  7. Clanden - same steps of page you've linked
  8. Troike - convinced big sal to free him (used speech option), same steps page you've linked
  9. Talked to Cachino (used also speech option)
  10. Follow him in the office
  11. Convinced big sal nero's betrayal/told to cachino to shoot/attacked at the first occasion in the dialogue option
  12. Always stucked :wallbash:


EDIT: Well, i've made another attempt, i've taken the key from the receptionist, BUT now i've found another strange thing: after having showed clanden's tape to cachino to identify him, clanden disappears... i've also tried to wait for him in his room, i've checked in every part of the gomorrah but he's nowhere.

However i've tried to finish the quest (gone to troike etc.) but there's always the same problem.

Edited by Rodja79
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Hmm. The only things I did differently were use Speech options instead of Barter (shouldn't matter), stealth-killed Clanden outright (as talking to him is a waste of time), sabotaged the gun shipment with thermite (you didn't mention this), waited for the second dialog chance to tell Cachino to shoot trying to get Big Sal to lay out their scheme (and simply went with "Time to die" trigger option). In my case, Cachino then ran from the room after killing Big Sal calling for "Help!", but I was able to simply walk out (after looting it). I did not find Cachino again until after I left the casino and re-entered it, so that may be the key to your completing the quest.


Only thing I have left to suggest is using the console to toggle off clipping/collision ("tcl") in order to leave the room. Then toggle it back on, leave the casino and return. Otherwise, you would need to load your Load Order into FNVEdit and look for conflicts with that quest.



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I've also tried actions you've mentioned. I'm a bit afraid using console commands for problems listed here and because i've read somewhere (i wasn't able to find the page) that in some case with steam version console commands don't work in hardcore mode. Do you know something about it?

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  On 2/9/2016 at 10:08 AM, Rodja79 said:

I've also tried actions you've mentioned. I'm a bit afraid using console commands for problems listed here and because i've read somewhere (i wasn't able to find the page) that in some case with steam version console commands don't work in hardcore mode. Do you know something about it?

Sorry, no idea. Haven't played Hardcore mode, and don't pay attention to achievements anyway.



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