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Wherewolf Mod for Oblvion


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Hey everyone.


I have for some time now wanted to have a Werewolf mod for Oblivion. Vampire seems quite lame and "Been there done that sort of thing." Thats why i want a Wherewolf mod. Kinda like the ones in Morrowind.


And maybie add a questline with a battla against a Vampire stronghold or simmilar.


Maybie adding that your powers as both races advance as you progress every time you kill or simmilar.


Adding a Reverse Vampire for the more realistic feeling. I think at least that your powers should be stronger when you drink blood.


And by every week you go on with feeding you should gain +1 Strenght, Endurence, Willpower kinda thing.


I might not be able to check in on hthis thread so much so i ask that you at least consider my idea.

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