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Small Object Request (NEED ASAP, PART OF NVR)


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Hello there! I need some small edits to an object here...




So first off... This image is pretty streight foward. The object Lucky38B has these two extra pieces, and I need them to be removed. Now, keep in mind that I need a NEW MODEL. I DON'T WANT THE LUCKY38B MODEL ITSELF TO BE EDITED :D




Secondly... I want one of these little pieces by itself, instead of a whole bunch of them all togethor. Now, keep in mind that I need a NEW MODEL. I DON'T WANT THE LUCKY38B MODEL ITSELF TO BE EDITED, LIKE I SAID BEFORE! :D


Thank you,


- Falloutperson416


P.S. THIS IS URGENT! IT'S PART OF NVR Version 10 and I need it!

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