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Trouble Activating Qarls Texture Pack 3


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I have downloaded and installed QTP3, but cannot figure out how to activate it in game. Can anyone help me? I have attached a screenshot of it in NMM. I've read the install instructions, when i click Archive Validation, the nest step doesnt appear to happen. Also, I'm most likely doing it wrong.

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No idea how NMM works. If you have a Steam version of the game, have you reset the .bsa timestamps in OBMM? Not doing that will likely cause all replacers to not work as intended (including, for example DarN UI). Using the timestamp reset fixed replacer mods for me.


It is located in Oblivion Mod Manager, under the Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> Reset BSA Timestamps. You can try if clicking that button changes anything. You need to download OBMM first if you do not already have it.



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Wrye Bash and Tes Mod Manager also have archive invalidation. BSA Redirection (which Wrye Bash uses by default) is the way most people do it these days.


Basically if your BSA timestamps are newer than the time stamps on your loose files the game will load them first.


I also don't use NMM so if this is just a quirk with NMM I can't help you with that one, sorry.

Edited by Jasmer
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If the .bsa timestamps are newer than the loose files, the game will load the .bsa files last, overwriting the loose files. The Steam version .bsa files have too "current" dates, and need to be reset for replacers to work.


And yes, Wrye Bash should have almost everything you need. I only mentioned OBMM because of its timestamp reset feature (which might also be in the other manager Jasmer mentioned, but I do not know). Wrye Bash is probably the easier mod manager to learn, OBMM feels overly clunky and is nowhere near as straightforward as WB. Also, WB has a lot of other features you definitely cannot live without. :thumbsup:


Edit: Nevermind the loading thingies. I assumed the game loads the latest assets last, but come to think of it, it is also possible for it to load the latest ones first, as it is possible to do it either way... hmm. My brain cell is getting confused. :wacko:

Edited by Contrathetix
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