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FONV 1.3 Breaks Companion Wheel?


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Since getting this patch, the companion wheel integration I previously did for some of my companions does not work as it previously did: the inventory selector which used to work now just exits the wheel and nothing happens.


This was for custom companions, I haven't tested it on vanilla ones yet but I'm about to run a test on that. There must have been some changes to quest and dialog to cause this to happen?


Anyone have any insight on what happened and if / how I should fix it? Or should I wait until a patch for the patch?


The only things listed in the patch log on Steam are weapon changes, there is zero detail on fixes or other changes.


P.S. If Bethesda or Obsidian are hiring for Quality Assurance I'm available.



Edited by drakeelvin
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I noticed that too on a companion I had barely started, but it seems to still work fine on both the vanilla companions and one of my earlier mods.


Unless there's something else I'm missing, I think what happened is that they just changed how clicking that option on the wheel works; before it would always open up the inventory regardless of whether you had the associated dialogue lines scripted to do that individually. Now it seems it simply fires the associated dialogue line(s), which should have the inventory-open script attached.


Once the G.E.C.K. gets updated tomorrow, try adding "OpenTeammateContainer 1" to the begin script of your trade dialogue lines, if you haven't already done that. That's the difference between the companions that work and the one that doesn't for me.

Edited by drg6525
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Oddly enough, my companions don't follow me any more. They stay rooted to the spot so something is up. Probably reinstall all the mods again and see if that's the issue... :(


EDIT: It seems all companions of NCCS, Sunny Smiles and as well as the FPT EDE are having problems. Veronica and Rose isn't having any problems.

Edited by sora3
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