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Claire's Diary (A role-play)


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I don't know how often you guys get these things, but I've been looking for another place to post this. I came upon this site and figured, why not?


About a year ago I wrote a Diary while I was role-playing the Main Quest.


I never finished it.

The main character was Claire... A misunderstood Breton.


Now I'm going to finish.


It was pretty neat, just about everybody that read it liked it. I still have the gamesave that I left off with and all the original parts of the story, so I wonder if anyone here would be willing to read it if I posted the rest?


This is what I have completed of Claire's Diary so far:


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Part VII



Don't read these unless you really want to. These are notes about the story that I wrote, in order to serve as a little question and answer. They're not done yet, but there's no continuity anyway, they're just one big FAQ.

There are some spoilers in the commentaries, and some things might ruin the story for ya. Read at your own risk.



I hope you enjoy.

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I will try to read it, though I have a lot on atm. It seems well written from what I have seen (the opening of part 1). However you say that in your cell you hear 'a woman and two men, Imperials'. Captain Renault is a Breton and Baurus a Redguard. I am not sure about Glenroy. As a Breton your character would recognise a Breton voice (although of course Bretons and Imperials share one voice actor in Oblivion.) Is that the type of comment you want?
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Yes actually.


On another forum someone noticed that I was alternating back and forth between "septims" and "dollars".

Once he pointed it out, I fixed it.


Someone later still mentioned that I kept referencing my horse after I would warp to a city, when the horse shouldn't really warp with me.

A good point again, and I had to make some big modifications because of it.



I like constructive comments and will always welcome them. Thanks.

I'll re-write that paragraph later tonight.

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Anyone still interested in this?


Just in case you are, part VI is finished (has been for a while, actually).


Part VII is now posted as well.



"It's a steel short-sword not silver."

Ah, good catch. Fixed.

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