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How do I export my esp?


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When I use GECK I can see my custom esp, but when I try to locate them on the actual folder, they aren't there. one time I was copy/pasting the esp to another location and moving it back and that work. Now, the PC acts like the esp is not there at all. Only GECK knows it exists. Why is that? How do I get my esp to start playing.


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Probably you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 with User Access Control. This prevents your programs from writing into "program files" . Please search "UAC" in the FAQs for this forum and you will find many suggestions on how to set up your system so you can write into this area.
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When I use GECK I can see my custom esp, but when I try to locate them on the actual folder, they aren't there. one time I was copy/pasting the esp to another location and moving it back and that work. Now, the PC acts like the esp is not there at all. Only GECK knows it exists. Why is that? How do I get my esp to start playing.



Thanks. I get it now.

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