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skyrim first attempt to load save works well, but second attempt to load save resulting crash


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so, since i'm install skyrim and mods at the same day, everytime i start the computer, start the skyrim, and load save, it works well without a CTD case. but, everytime when i'm quit to desktop or quit to main menu, and load save again, it's crash to desktop (CTD). anyone have any ideas to solve this frustating problem? can anyone help?



(sorry for my bad english)

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I believe the issue here is because you have too many mods and your system cannot load it all again, your saves are bloated, or it is too unstable.


I used to have this issue and still do in some cases in my current playthrough, but the only way i have been able to reduce this is by rebuilding my modlist. This means the cause of the problem are most likely caused by the unstable save caused by either too many mods or mods that are conflicting.

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A very important note is to not remove mods mid-playthrough, especially scripted mods and these kind of mods are usually the main culprit of skyrim crashing on loads. Based on my experience it is best to remove mods (any actually, save texture or mesh mods) and start a new game. However you can try this utility first:




It removes orphaned scripts that lingers in your save files after removing mods.

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