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Any tutorials on how to make a body replacer?


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I want to make my own female body replacer.

Not one that looks all fit and trim but one that is heavier and not hourglassy.

I want some belly fat, a short waist, and a square bottom, much like a fem Dwarf should look.

I'm learning Blender and I'm ready to start this.

I've been waiting for years but it doesn't seem like one is ever gonna be made so it's time to step up and do it myself.


Are there any figure tutorials out there?

It will make it easier but if not, I'll stumble my way through it.


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I suggest take a look at Reneers Variable NPC mod or Growlfs Body shape mod. If you use one of those along with one of the "heavier" versions of the HGEC body, or maybe one of the Roberts Female variants, you can probably get pretty close. Then you should only need minor tweaks. There certainly ARE bodies out there which have a little more waist and rather less silicone, but they take hunting down.
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This is perfect, my (wo?)man.

Immediate download.

Congratz on a fine mod and a long overdo one in my opinion.

Clothing isn't an issue since she'll only be nude when diving for pearls. The rest of the time I'm in first person, for the most part.

Kudos to you and thank you sooo much!!

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