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Calling for all Fat Suits


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Alright not entirely sure if this would go here or in the requests, I am not requesting Fat suits be made, as I am in the process of making quite a few myself for my Fat Man Mod. What I am asking is if those of you out there that do have fat suits made up and would like them fitted to the Male body i made up to send me either a link to where i can get it or send it to my email (which can be found on my profile). If you do have them be sure to also send a link to the original outfit if it is someone elses work so that i can get the proper permissions for release (if it is a modded item) Full credits to who has done work on them as well as you for the sending of them ;) Like i said I have a few items done and I am sure more will follow, but if there are some that are already close it will be a much faster process to have more outfits for Chunky Duncan. Thanks all. **Oh and Mods/Admins my apologies if i did indeed post this in the wrong section >.<**
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If you look in the Librarian Market mod I made for FO3, there are a couple in there. One of the shady dudes wears one (dark suit), and the hotel clerk wears one (Tron t-shirt, shorts, flip flops). Not as chunky as Duncan seems to be, and probably simpler too, but you can use them for whatever you want. I have a big fat gambler suit for NV you can use as well, if you want that.
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Thank you Quetzlsacatanango, I will take a look, I got a Vault 10 suit done and working on the Armoured version right now. I will take any and all there is; Being as he is a new form he is very limited in wardrobe so anything will help out at his point ;) I will be sure to put your name in the credits as well as a link
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Haha yes i know it wasn't a Fat suit but i couldn't resist :P

Edited by Riven1978
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i didn't go into the mod yet i was just poking around in the BSA you have set up :) saw you had the bear suits and the light bulb went off and this is the result ( i think the bulb might have exploded though :D)
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