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After defrag wirerd screwups


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Look, sorry mods if this is a repeat of somewhere else, but a (quick) search revealed nowt. Now, i recently defraged my PC (yesterday to be exact), and everything runs smoothly (even my new Call of Duty game - OT it damn well rocks!) Except for one minor problem - Morrowind has died!

I loaded up a save file (i'd just got hold of the Umbra sword B) ) and had walked in to the Earthly Delights place. In the mini-map in the corner, everything outside that room was bright yellow instead of black. And the game was slow; i mean really glitchy. I had had it running at 1280xwhatever with full draw distance on (without the FPS Optimiser) and full shadows on, and it ran beautifully. I had to reduce it to 1024 and turn off all the shadows, just to get it running at sdomething approching normal. Then i went outside.

The game was jittery as a virgin in a prison. I decied an reinstal would do the trick. So i did this (backing up saves obviously) and reinstalled. Put saves in and the game dies again. I un- then re-installed again, but started without a save in it. It ran just as slow as before with yellow bits all over the map. What is going on?


Has anyone else had the same trouble? My game was running fine (fully patched with Trib and Bloodmoon) and now its died. I know the defrag moved some files about, but shouldn't the reinstall put new ones back in the right places?


Please help, i am having really angry thoughts about windows and bethesda and small pink bunnies (don't ask). So come on, help me!!!

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Ok, here's what to do:

In C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools, there is an option to restore your computer. By defragging your disk, it chopped a file from Morrowind that was necessary to run it. (If the DeFrag window is still open, you can scroll down and see what files were altered and deleted by the DeFrag. In System Restore, select the checkpoint closest to yesterday. DON'T WORRY, NO FILES WILL BE DELETED. Including save games. It simply rolls backs all settings and properties previously selected by the computer. Hopefully, this wil restore Morrowind for you.



:whistling: Don't let those small pink bunnies get you down.

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I know about the System Restore function, but i haven't created a restore point since i first made my PC. It'll roll back all my files i've put on since. And why didnt the reinstall put the files back?
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This sound's like a system problem, You havn't found any error's in any other programs since the defrag? What type is your computer, please don't say HP. I have had this happen with a game called gothic, the entire enviroment disapeared. It happend after a defrag. I fixed it by recieving my Alienware that dosn't play that kind of Sh*t. Talk to one of the computer savy people. This might get worse and cause seirous problems. :ohmy: :o
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Already did it. I'm going to take the system restore option that cmac said (sorry for the unbeliever in me, i have less knowledge than you *bows low*). Turns ou that the computer creates preset ones restore dates (which i didnt know about), so i'm going to do that tonight. Consider the thread closed.
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