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The Shrike from Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos


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I thought I would toss this out and see if anyone was familiar with these books and characters and had interest in something like this.


Hyperion along with the three other books in the Cantos is easily the best sci-fi to come along in a very, very long time.


Those not familiar with the books should grab a copy and check them out. Those who have read them know what I am talking about and you're also familiar with the Shrike. I'd love to see the Shrike character get incorporated into Skyrim.


The Shrike is one of the most awesome beings to ever be written into a book. A being with ridiculous power and the ability to travel anywhere in space and time so he could fit in the Lore.


Just adding this character into the game with ridiculous power and have him randomly spawn anywhere at anytime once a player passes a certain high level. The Shrike would be damn hard. More difficult than any ancient dragon or dragon priest, for that matter.


So, just adding this character in there as "wondering" boss would be cool. But, a whole new expansion could be written around this character. I've outlined an expansion based on this concept akin to the size of Falskaar and Wyrmstooth.


Where Nirn is one of the labyrinthine worlds. The Shrike's interest in Skyrim particularly. Your player being pulled through time and space. The Shrike Palace,Time Tombs and the Tree of Pain.



I unfortunately don't know how to create mods for Skyrim. I can model and texture but the scripting is beyond my scope.



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