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Turning Covenant residents into settlers - after killing them all?


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In that case, one slightly tedious way would be to get all their refIDs and enter in the console:


refID.moveto player


Where refID is the actual refID. If any of them are alive, you know what to do. :smile:

The refIDs of all the named npcs is in the wiki. I can get the refIDs of the two unnamed settlers if you want to go this route.


When I did "recycleactor" after killing them, I did lose the female unnamed settler. Curious where she went, I did a player.moveto to her location and somehow she'd ended up on the roof of one of the houses and apparently wasn't able to get down.

Edited by GnatGoSplat
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Hmm, odd...
I figured that would be a solution, have you also given yourself good standing with them (0 = friendly, 1 = allied)?

Could be you need to redo this mission... :S

Which would mean reverting to a point before the mission.

Then add yourself to the faction with 1 as digit.


If I got Console commands right, that is.

Of course, you cannot kill them or fight them, would make them angry, I reckon.


  • targetID.AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1> – Adds target to faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target, e.g player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 to add yourself to the player faction. 0=friend, 1=ally.
  • targetID.RemoveFromFaction <faction id> – Removes target from faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target
  • targetID.removefromallfactions – Removes the target from all factions. Be aware that this will also remove the player from the "player faction" if used on the player.
  • setally <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions friendly with each other. 0=friend, 1=ally
Edited by Klipperken
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Yep, I tried all that, except for redoing the mission. I'm sure redoing the Human Error quest and siding with Dr. Chambers would work, but the point is being able to use the NPCs as settlers without siding with her.


I'm curious how the NPCs differ if I do side with her, but unfortunately my save prior to the quest is way old. I thought I created new saves more often, but guess I must have been lazy and just quicksaved for several days. I might still try and replay the mission siding with Dr Chambers instead when have a couple hours to burn sometime.

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Hmm, odd...

I figured that would be a solution, have you also given yourself good standing with them (0 = friendly, 1 = allied)?

Could be you need to redo this mission... :S

Which would mean reverting to a point before the mission.

Then add yourself to the faction with 1 as digit.


If I got Console commands right, that is.


Of course, you cannot kill them or fight them, would make them angry, I reckon.




No offense man, but that kind of completely ignores the whole point of this discussion- which Is that we don't wish to side with Covenant during Human Error- but we don't want to have to kill everybody either- and for some reason that defys all logic, every single resident of Covenant, including the mechanic who is too shy to look you in the eye suddenly becomes a bloodthirsty fanatic who can't be reasoned with, persuaded, or intimidated- I'm level freakin 90, with Charisma 16 and 3 ranks of Intimidate, Talia's lvl 6 and doesn't even blink at my attempt. What's the point of putting Perks in the game if they aren't going to do anything useful?!?

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thread Necro!

but it's relevant, since I finally managed to get this to work- had to use the following commands on all settlers:

first, Resurrect/Recycleactor anyone who happened to die on you.


Removefromallfactions (helps if you tcai first, you have to remove everyone you want to keep from the Covenant faction while paused or they will aggro on your new friends)

Addtofaction 1c21c 1 (adds them to Player faction as an Ally)

Addkeyword workshopallowcommand

Addkeyword workshopallowmove
setpv bcommandable true
setpv ballowmove true
setpv ballowcaravan true
then fast travel away and return, after that you can use the workbench to 'send' them to Covenant (even though they're already there), this will cause them to show up as population in workbench mode.
Seems like the addkeyword and setpv commands should be redundant, but I wasnt able to achieve results without using both. I'm also trying to use this to make Phyllis a settler at Egret Tours Marina, but she seems to be hard-coded to disallow her being moved from (even if I'm moving her TO there...)
Edited by HandofBobb
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