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Harvestable plant respawn mod?


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Is there any such thing as a mod that slows down the plant respawns? I'm a realism\immersion player and it's always bugged me that I can sweep through an area and pick every single flower and mushroom in sight, then come back a few days later and find all the blossoms have magically regenerated. I don't even bother keeping the loot from dungeon crawling anymore; I make ten times the money just harvesting plants for alchemy. I already have my cell respawn set to 10 days; I'm afraid to set it higher because I've heard horror stories of savegame corruption due to bloating.


I'd really love a mod that stops the plants from being included when the cell respawns. In an ideal world, the plants would only respawn once every couple of months - maybe depending on the season. For instance, plants would respawn on the 1st day of April, again on the 1st day of May, the 1st day of June, then not again until the 1st day of September, and after that they wouldn't respawn again until the year cycled back to 1st of April. (I haven't memorized the in-game equivalents of the month names, but you know what I mean - most flowers produce new blossoms continually through the spring and partway through summer, then there are no new blossoms all winter until the next spring.)


Is there such a thing, or anything even remotely similar? And if not, would it be difficult to do? I'm willing to give it a shot in the CS if it's possible, but I haven't the first clue how to go about it. I'd be happy just to find a way to create a mod that stopped plants from respawning, period - if I could manage that, all I'd need to do is simply remove the mod on the in-game 1st day of the month when I wanted new flowers, then reactivate it to stop the respawning until I once again removed the mod after a month had passed in-game.

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Firstly you'd probably need a mod which actually affected things in a seasonal way. Try Enhanced seasons to see what it changes, then maybe contact the mod author and see if s/he can help
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You could make an object script that disables a plant on activation and sets a 30 day timer running and enables the plant again at the end of the timed period. Then you could place the script on every single harvestable plant type in the game (except Nirn Roots.)


Object scripts on items in the outdoors only actively run while loaded into memory while in the same 5 X 5 cluster of exterior cells you are in. So I do not think such a mod would cause the system to lag too badly or have CTDs. Applying the script to all the plants would likely take longer than writing the script.


There may be problems with this idea. I am not sure how the hardcoding would go. It may be that plants respawn new ingredients only while enabled. So a 30-day timer would yield a 33 day time of no ingredients. If it was as simple as this, you would merely change the script to have a 27 day timer. If the problem was something else, you would have to try to deal with whatever it was. (You can never really know if things will work until you play-test them.

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