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Gray Fox castle


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The team and I ( a team of about 13 people) have seen some ideas for a mod like this however it was never mad even though it's really cool.


The Gray Fox castle you get it when u become the gray fox with the ability to give beggars ur home so they are not beggars any more they get real clothes and shoes and their Gray fox spy's


Now for the castle it should be small big not to small near the imperial city so they imperial beggars can be ur servants.


the castle should be circle like a tower with about 5 rooms

1 a music room with a cello, Violin, organ and a Carillon (bell instrument just goggle an image)

2 workout room some small dumb bells, weight plates, squat rack, heavy bag, and a vertical pull down bar

3 a black smith room

4 dining room

vault with gold piles, jewels and other expensive things

throne room

an indoor garden

the gray fox's private quarters and servants quarters

the castes should also have weapons like catapults and Ballista for defense

we have found modders resources for the castle which I will email to who ever works on the castle the team has a few more ideas

when someone is ready to make this mod simply email me for a few more details [email protected] thanks in advance

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wow, I could only understand about half of what you wrote, but it sounded cool! Please re post with proper English grammar.


Also, not all of the pieces are made. To my knowledge, there is only a piano, no other musical instruments as of yet. There is also a ballista or trebuje mod. I would reccomend getting all the pieces that you need before you request them all put together.


All in all it sounds cool and if it ever gets made, I would love to play it.


Edited by theuseless
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Te team and I would like to apologize for being away for we've finished the whole plan and we are now ready for someone to make it.

lol, a team of what? modders? if so why don't you guys make it yourselves? and what type of plans are they? like architectural plans? or just words describing what you want? or what?

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Te team and I would like to apologize for being away for we've finished the whole plan and we are now ready for someone to make it.

lol, a team of what? modders? if so why don't you guys make it yourselves? and what type of plans are they? like architectural plans? or just words describing what you want? or what?


Well, if they are a team of modders, they wouldn't need to post it here :S. Probably just a group of friends that thinks up a mod and ask someone else to make it for them

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No we don't mod yes we make ideas

why would u post that,why would u post if your not going to support the idea theuseless like the first idea and now its even better I have most of the things need for this mod as modders resources this mod could not take a month probably 1 to 2 weeks at the most I even found a modders resource castle this mod will be well worth the time.

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Hello there. Unfortunately it seems nobody has volunteered, but the good news is with 13 people wanting this, now that you have a lot of the resources it should not be too hard for one or two of you to learn how to do this yourselves. There is an actual modding school for Oblivion at TES Alliance, with clear step by step tutorials. There are even volunteer instructors who will help you if you get stuck or make mistakes. Take a look at the Construction Set Basics Lessons here:




I am sure at least one of you would like to learn how to mod Oblivion with lessons this clear available. You have a lot of people on your team. :) It sounds like an interesting mod. Good luck to all of you.

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