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Looking for a couple pointers...


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I've been using mods since Skyrim, and am well familiar with mod usage, but recently with Fallout 4 is the first time I've started doing some of my own mods with FO4Edit. I have a series of some general and technical questions that I was hoping I could get some assistance with. I have a couple really fun ideas for a mod that I'd like to do, and I'd like to get a better understanding of how to implement some of the foundation pieces. The entirety of the mod will probably need the GECK, but I'm sure there's lots I could do up front if I knew more. I appreciate any advice.


1. Item instancing is confusing the heck out of me. For example, pretend "Assault Rifle" has the form ID of 00001A1B for a moment (I don't remember it precisely). The record contains all the info for the assault rifle. If I go into console in game and run "player.additem 00001A1B 1" I get an assault rifle added to my inventory. However, the rifle I get seems to get randomly assigned a series of mods at the moment it is instanced, or generated. Is there a way to control this? Is there a unique identifier associated with that instance of the rifle that contains flags for the modded configuration? Similarly, I can't seem to figure out how I would differentiate between "Combat Armor Chestpiece", "Sturdy Combat Armor Chestpiece", and "Heavy Combat Armor Chestpiece." All I can find is a record and form ID for "Combat Armor Chestpiece." Are there ways to differentiate those from within the console, such that they are controllable via FO4Edit?


2. Scripting will be necessary, as there are quite a few conditionals and global states I want to work with. My understanding is that F4SE isn't fully functional yet without the GECK, so is it worth my time to re-install Skyrim to work within the Creation Kit there along with SKSE to get some experience, or are they different enough that this won't really help? I've read all the xEdit documentation I could find (which was fantastic, thanks to those guys), and I'm more than happy to read anything on scripting within Papyrus but I can't seem to find where to start. Is there a better way to go about learning the scripting fundamentals?


3. Scrapping. If I drop a rifle on the ground, I can scrap it from workshop mode. I can also just walk to a weapon bench and scrap it from there. I can drop a gas canister on the ground and scrap it from workshop mode... but I cannot scrap it from a bench because it is not classed as a weapon or armor. Does anyone know what flag controls this? One thing I was curious about is whether there is a way to get Non-Junk items to show up as scrappable from within a workbench interface, similar to the way weapons and armor are scrappable but not considered junk (ie they won't be automatically scrapped and consumed if they are placed in a workbench, even though they do contain components). Has anyone found a way to do this, or can anyone point me in the right direction?


That's probably enough questions for one post. Again, I appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks for taking the time to read. Cheers

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Alright so here's what I got-

  1. Most weapons/armor in FO4 seem to use a "DummyReceiver"/"Outfit" .nif for a model, then use OMOD's to sort of build and change things about them. In each "WEAP" or "ARMO" entry is an "Unknown" section under "APPR-Keyworks" (look for "OBTE- Count") which contains the possible combinations of OMOD's to build the weapon or armor.
  2. I use Caprica Papyrus Compiler and notepad++ for the editing/compiling scripts. Then work with the VMAD parameters in FO4Edit to get it attached and working. If you're looking for the basics of working with papyrus, the CK website is still a really good place to start - http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus
  3. Think you may want to reform the question a little better/elaborate. But from what I can gather, Yes and you need to look into - the keywords that are used to attach items to workbenches, how each type of bench interacts with items linked to it, the type of item linked and how its able to be scrapped.
Edited by lilkandeekid
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