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Companion Hair Colors


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Hi all. Firstly thank you to all the modders out there who are making this game extremely enjoyable for me.


I'm not a modder myself so I don't know where to even begin. I would like to request someone to please create a mod that alters the hair color of companions. I have applied various clothing mods to my companions as well as changed their hairstyles, but I can't find any mod to alter the color of the selected hairstyle. Essentially this would alter/link the color palette to each companion's hair file.


If someone can do this I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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You can change their hair color by opening up the console and typing: slm [their ID] without the brackets. You can find their ID by clicking on them with the console open.

You can also type: showlooksmenu [their ID]


I can make a mod that changes a person's hair color permanently (until you deactivate the mod), but

1: You have to be specific. What companion do you want changed and what hair color do you want?

2: If you have another mod that alters their appearance, it may conflict and I would have to make a patch

Edited by gyashaa
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