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FO3 vs. NV for a "Total Conversion"?


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I have both FO3 and NV.


I'm interested in making a small 'total conversion' - this isn't a recruitment thread, just an inquiry. I do understand that there are great ideas that never materialize, but I'm not asking anybody to do any work for me - if this works and I get some progress done, only then would it be reasonable to look for others to contribute. :)



Basic idea: SciFi space theme, similar to the old Starflight game.


Stations that you can walk around on, recruit crew members likes pilots/gunners/techs and armed guards, take transport missions (cargo or passengers), buy trade goods, etc.


You'd have one ship. Could upgrade the defenses/cargo hold/engines and such. You could board it, walk around on it, and use a terminal/captains chair or something along those lines to issue orders - travel to X or Y system. Possibly chance of 'random encounters' like pirates. If you get boarded, you'll have to use the standard in game combat system to fight them off - this is where the armed guards will come in handy.


This would be more of a 'Star Trek' style space game rather than a twitch based 'Star Wars' type game, since I'm not interested in turning this game into a space shooter - you'd give commands and the outcome would be determined by the stats of your crew vs. theirs, your ship's stats vs. theirs, + some RNG.



I understand this is incredibly ambitious - but I would start very small. Simply working out an interface that would let you travel from placeholder 'space stations' to a placeholder ship, etc. EVERYTHING could be done with the stock graphics/models - an industrial future scifi fits fine with the available interior graphics from either game (I think), so I wouldn't need to have a massive amount of modded graphics.



My question is - FO3 or NV? Any recommendations on which one I should go with? Any pros/cons to going with one or the other for a project like this?


Thanks. :D

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New Veges because it is newer and there are more mods for FO3. It may be easier too because of the hardcore mode and other stuff that are newly brought to FO. Either way I would love to have a mod like what you are thinking about.
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i am not really a fan of the space genre but i am sure you will have many users if the mod is well done. it seems like an incredibly ambitious projekt with a high risk of it not getting completed.


I assume you can use models and decor and spacesuits from "come fly with me".


another option is to create a vr simulation. i know that that has been done and i think it may be a modders resource. check the nexus database.


go with new vegas since it is newer have more players and less quest mods.

Edited by viking99
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I say new vegas because of the expanded geck capability. I am under the impression that anything in FO3 Geck will work in the FONV geck. The problem with using assets are legal related not program related. Seems a very large portion of the FO3 assets are already included in the FONV anyway. A very ambitous project and I wish you the best of luck.
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FO3 - New Vegas is still being changed by Beth and by Steam updates.

Any big mod that takes that much time to make stands the chance of being made permanently unplayable by the next NV update - which cannot be rolled back due to steam.


While FO3 is essentially a finished product, with no updates or further DLCs planned that could make it unplayable.

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Yeah did not stop to think about that. BBen is 100% right, Patches almost always screw up mods with most games. Better to go with something that is not in the Devs active "to do " list, I have been on a few game forums where there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth by modders and mod users because of a patch,
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