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Map Marker Glitch/ Fast Travel CTD


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So I tried avoiding some post-patch mod problems by reverting back to saved versions of the previous .exe files. Game seemed fine 'cept I started to CTD on fast travel, and then I noticed that my pip boy map was all weird, like so:




What looks like a skewed quest marker is actually my location (circled in red), while the map is showing that I'm in the lake by Covenant (circled in purple). That weird marker moves along with my character, and it makes no diff if I have any active quests or not. I went to where the map is showing me where I am (??) and started getting the distance countdown once when I got closer to that spot. When it counted down to about 50, I CTD'd.


This happens even when I load a really old save.


Found nothing on the web about anything similar, and I'm thinking maybe using old exe's on the new game (so to speak) might be causing it. But, anyways, just wondering if anyone's encountered this before.



Edit: out of curiosity, I tried starting a new game and Codsworth was invisible. I think I might have borked my game by trying to roll bak to the previous exe's.

Edited by kevkiev
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When this happened, I just surrendered to fate and updated my game with the patch (1.3) and started trouble-shooting. Finally figured out that the update didn't play nicely with certain of my texture mods.


Glad you overcame this bug in your game, it was a weird one.

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