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load order help


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hello guys

i just have this little issue with my mods

i cant get them to work together

i dont know a specific load order for them

can someone please a load order or just number the mods in this pics


and i will be so thankful

because i tried so hard using different load orders and every time 1 of these 3 things happens

1- the game crashes after 5 seconds from the start

2- the game crashes when opening the settlement building menu

3- the game crashes when trying to open any tab in the settlement building menu

and also i have another problem

when i use any mod that changes the enovermint (like vivid landscape / touch of green / wet / verdant wastland/ etc) it doesn't work

sorry for my bad english

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Sorry - didn't realize it was for Fallout 4 - no, I don't think LOOT does FO4 yet, so you're kind of stuck with doing it manually. No easy way to learn that either, sorry. Best bet s to examine like mods (mods that do similar things) in FO4Edit to se where the conflicts lie. Like pulling up both HomeMaker and SSeX inFO4Edit shows that they both edit the build menu and whoever loads last in the load order decides what shows.

Other than doing that and reading the pages for each of those mods to see if the author lists any conflicts, there's not much help I can give you. People would pretty much have to mirror your modlist to look for your conflicts and I don't really see that happening (not trying to sound mean by that, btw)

Modding is as much a part of learning to install them and resolve conflicts between them as it is just using them so, until Loot catches up, I'd suggest you start learning how to 'change your own tires and oil', so to speak.

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LOOT for Fallout4 is the Load Order Optimization mod that configurtes your load order to help prevent crashes. It's on nexus here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5310/?

You run it as its own executable (own program). not in NMM. just make a shortcut to your desktop and then follow the simple instructions. Save the load order and then launch through NMM or STEAM however you start the game. It will give you messages if there is something that will make you crash. Its the replacement for BOSS (used from Oblivion therough SKYRIM)

Hope that helps.

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