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Lighting Glitch

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Hi I've got an unsual glitch with the lighting system, am unsure wether it is a glitch in my setup ( possibly an option in the grpahics settings or drivers that is incompatible) or an offending mod. I've searched the forum for posts about lighting issues and incorrect shading but was unable to find a similar post.


The problem is at night when looking at texutres from certain angles, some become brightly lit but from other angles the look correctly lit. I've included a few screen shot on flickr:



http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5029/5624076427_a570da5308.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5226/5624077189_11c98ee02f.jpg


http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5028/5624077863_9c6647fca8.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5225/5624078835_4a965cdd62.jpg






I think it's due to the normals being calculated incorrectly and recieving light from behind them. Has anyone else had this problem?


the graphics card I have are a pair of Geforce 280m with the latest drivers.


I am running many mods but have disabled any that have a direct effect on lighting, all the mods have been put though wrye bash and boss loader and I believe i've followed all the instructions and there's no obvious error messages).

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