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.esp File limit


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Heya again!


I recently posted a topic about .esp file limit. Evidence suggests there are a limit for .esp/.esm files. Now my question is this: Can you increase the limit somehow as I have kept founding mods that are useful for me and my new and existing characters and as I have deactivated those mods that are unnecessary for me now and I am getting to the other limit here (most of my currently active mods are essential for enjoyable and smooth gameplay :D)? If there is no way to raise this file limit, are there ways to simply merge different .esp files from different mods together providing both mods' equipment/gameplay modification while taking the .esp number down.


Thanks in advance to those who can help me :D

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255 is the limit, that included esp and esm files. You also have one dedicated to your save game = 1. so the total is 256.
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Well currently I have 152 esp/esm files active and if I add one more (absolutely anything) game starts go crazy (meshes/textures disappear, Pip-boy becomes unusable and cant activate console or use ESC key to get to the menu. To only get off the game I have to use Alt + F4 or shutdown the game with system control panel). So whats the problem here?
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Post your load order and tell us what mods you are trying to add....could be a load order problem or a missing master or outdated master.
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Sorry for resurrecting this tad old thread, but I have to say I am experiecing the same problem.


It's not the mods in my load order(everything's sorted out with BOSS, bash and using a Merged Patch too).

I have roughly the same number of them like OP and after crossing that one certain point, game goes bonkers.


Seems like Obsidian has shortened the mod cap. :/

Edited by Cahir Mawr Dyffryn
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This happened on Fallout 3 as well. I did a lot of experimenting and couldn't find anything it followed - OS, 32/64 bit, memory amount, anything. Anecdotal evidence suggested the limit was different for different machines but I couldn't narrow it down further than that. The only way I know to get around it is to disable plugins, or else merge plugins so there are fewer of them.
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Yeh I am still waiting for Buddah's possible solution and for the temporary solution I have deactivated some unnecessary mods and searched for merged mods like Project Nevada...
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I am having the problem you described too. I've tried merging mods using FNVEdit and using Merged Patch, then Copy as Override, but I must be doing something stupid, because it doesn't fix the/my problem - it kind of makes it worse. You also need every file you merged as a master, so it doesn't clean your list at all. Someone must know of a better way(?)


Edit - I don't know if anybody is looking at this thread anymore (bumped now, I guess) but would it be possible for the size, instead of the number, of mods to reach a point where there wouldn't be enough memory? I only have ~125 mods, but my game glitches up when I activate them all, and its fine when I don't. I have to Ctl-Alt-Del every time because my Esc doesn't work either, and I keep seeing the Physical Memory figure above 90%. If this was the case, merging mods wouldn't help, because the same amount of stuff is being done, just all in one package, right?

Edited by ViralDust
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