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d3mentiaxx - BANNED


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d3mentiaxx banned.




Reason for the ban

Piracy of Fallout 4.


hi when ever i try to run NMM and scan for game files the game path is not found i been spending hours tying to fix this.my game location is,,,,Local Disk C games fallout 4 in that folder i see fallout4.exe fallout4ini fallout4 original launcher.but when i use NMM it cant find the file i try looking for it manually but when i get to the games folder and i go to fallout 4 nothing shows up.i get a green check mark on NMM and a red quotation mark under it that says path does not contain game EXE. i installed this game using a site nossteam they installed it for free it work great but i just cant get the mods to work please help


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