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Tricks of the Trade


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I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with a little problem i am having with some nifscope editing. i am modifying a suit of armor that i downloaded, and i was able to take a piece from another suit of armor (a machete that hangs on your back) and pasted over a belt pouch on the suit of armor i am wearing. all that worked fine and i was able to get it to appear in game after much troubleshooting. the problem i am having is that for some reason the machete swings and moves oddly when i walk or run or swing a weapon. the pouch that i pasted it over did not do this. it was a static item that just hung on the belt. however the machete was an item that was attached to the back of the armor i copied it from. that is obviously the problem. the machete is still acting as tho it was attached to the back, and moves accordingly. how would i go about making the newly added machete stay still on my waist like all the other pouches, and not move as tho it were on my back?


i have searched and searched and looked through forum after forum figuring out what i have so far to be able to do this. but i just cant seem to figure out how to get past this problem. would somebody please help me out? again, i would greatly appreciate it.

Edited by envyme
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