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The Infamous Wrye Bash

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What seems to have worked, the relocation? For reference, in case any one has the same issue. Yes, OBMM will still work, you can even launch it from Wrye Bash. Can't imagine why you'd want to use it still though. :P
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That seems to have worked, Thankyou very very much!! :D :D One last question; Will OBMM work if I have WryeBash aswell?



Thankyou again!! :D :D



Yes. They both do a lot of the same things, but each also does things the other does not. Each does certain things better than the other and it's OK to use just those parts of each that you like. Although I don't really recomend it, I have mixed Bain and OMOD mods in the same game without problems. :thumbsup:

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