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Missing nif file


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When I am trying to build an npc, the correct nif file for a male skeleton I believe is characters/_Male/skeleton.nif. However i can not find this file. Instead, the only one left is Characters/_1stperson/skeleton.nif. This however makes the character look very weired. Does anyone know where the nif file is or if not, can anyone tell me how to solve such aconnudrum. please, this for me is a urgent matter.
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When I am trying to build an npc, the correct nif file for a male skeleton I believe is characters/_Male/skeleton.nif. However i can not find this file.

It is in "Oblivion - Meshes.bsa" in your "Oblivion/Data" folder. You need BSA Unpacker by Timeslip. You can unpack only the file you need, not the whole archive.

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When I am trying to build an npc, the correct nif file for a male skeleton I believe is characters/_Male/skeleton.nif. However i can not find this file.

It is in "Oblivion - Meshes.bsa" in your "Oblivion/Data" folder. You need BSA Unpacker by Timeslip. You can unpack only the file you need, not the whole archive.

Actually, the nif was standarized so all i had to do was not change anything and revert back to the defaults. problem solve on my owm I guess you could say.

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