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Settlers and Power Armor


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I am looking for a mod that allows me to command settlers to use power armor. I know sometimes they will randomly use it, but I wanted to be able to command them to enter power armor (like you can companions). I would like to do this more specifically for the ones I have assigned to guard posts. My high level PC's have several sets of PA and it would be nice to put them to use in my settlements.


If there is one out there please link, and/or a mechanic to do this that I haven't figured out.


Thanks for your time.

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Commanding settlers into power armor is pretty easy by just adding the keyword "WorkshopWorkObject" to the Power Armor FURN in fo4edit / console.

The issue in that once in Power Armor they do pretty much nothing (they go stand in those pre-defined places for unassigned settlers in settlements). They also like to get out randomly (probably when something in their Package tells them to do something they can't do in Power Armor). I haven't investigated further.

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That'll be because there's no animations for using power armour to stand at shops/till the soil/etc. You'd need to set up copies of the use object idles for the PowerArmorRace. The problem there is there's unlikely to be many useful animations to repurpose, and reusing the human ones might look a bit janky given the different proportions (particularly for the arms).

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Assigning a PA idle should be doable for guard positions. There's probably similar standing animations one could re-purpose.

Ideally, any settler assigned to a Power Armor should automatically become a guard, and perhaps patrol the settlement (we know how well that works with robots :P)

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