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MGSO 3.0 and animated containers


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It has been a very long time since I messed with modding or playing with morrowind. long story short:


Installed morrowind and mgso with fixes. All was working including animated containers. Opened up my house data file in tes-cs to fix some chests that was rotated improperly and to change a few things. Now animated containers works every where but in my house.


I don't know how to make it work again. I ran esp cleaner and used mgso to regenerate distant land files.


I'm not sure why it stopped working, but if I am going to keep modding I need to know how to fix it.


any one know how?

thanks for your time.

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after two days of thought I figured out the answer not to long after posting for help. Like i said it has been a long time since i modded.


Load order, in order for Animated containers to work all .esp that you want animated containers in need to be loaded before MW Containers Animated.esp. Seems load order is dependent on oldest first newest last.

you can use molx to fix this.


in the mlox_base.txt file add these lines.



"name of newly modified 1".esp
"name of newly modified 2".esp
"name of newly modified etc".esp
MW Containers Animated.esp


now your modified esp will load be for animated containers and the code from animated containers will work on them.


be careful as load order matters. you dont want to mess up other cool mods by loading things in wrong order.

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