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Custom Race Help


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I posted something similar long ago, but I just had to ask again. Is there any way to take models, skeletons, body parts, i don't know/care what the proper name for them is, but can you take "the look" of creatures from the game and use them to make custom races? :wacko: Like, I just found "Cursed Armor" by Launius (BRILLIANT, by the way) which turns you into a skeleton. I'm just dying to try it out! :wallbash: Is there any way you can take humanoid creatures from the game (Xivilai, skeletons, etc.) and use them in custom races? Thanks all! :laugh:


P.S. I'm not saying "make the races playable". I mean really taking them peice by peice and using the peices as you see fit. Kinda like how you can put long wood-elf ears on an Imperial. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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